Coming up next...Communing With Your Cells:
A Cosmic Closeness CelebrationSunday, January 8, 10am - 3:30 pmIs eco-spirituality relevant to sustainability? Find out through celebrating the perihelion (earth closest to sun) - coming closer to nature's deeper aspects, and their expressions within yourself and our community. Explore some of the universe's underlying patterns and principles, and the potential for inspiring "fire souls" through holistic, ecological science stories. This year, we focus on the ways edges and boundaries unify our existence, and enrich our experiences. A mix of deep stories, music, games and meditation. Free and open to the public. Dress for a walk in the preserve (weather permitting). Potluck lunch. Morning and afternoon sessions can be attended separately.
Confirmed presenters include: Chicago author/activist
Bryan Brickner; and and author/educator Valerie Busch-Zurlent, (pseudonym
Ottilia Robers)
North Park Village Nature Center, 5801 N. Pulaski, Chicago.
Info: Rael, 773-907-1465, raelearth(no spam at)
For more information on the background and motivation of this event, see
New Festivals for the Future? Introduction to Celebrating the Helions near the bottom of this page.